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DataCloud - US 8,615,555 (Remote Access and Retrieval of Electronic Files)



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Remote Access and Retrieval of Electronic Files

Ended 2 years ago

Patent Challenged:



Unified Patents is seeking prior art on at least claim 1 of US Patent No. 8,615,555. The patent is owned by DataCloud, LLC, an IP Investments Group subsidiary and NPE. The '555 patent generally relates to a system and methods for remotely accessing, retrieving, and transmitting data offering remote data management control and verification of data delivery is provided. In an illustrative implementation, the present invention comprises a computing application operating on at least one computer server that cooperates with at least one communications network to which participating users have access. Techson IP has provided its Full validity-focused Limestone|Report which includes: a list of highly relevant prior art patent leads - individually ranked to the claims and tiered by research efficiency; summary predictive analytics about the search; a full CPC technology profile. Interested professionals may take them and craft work products from there. The Full Report link is here: IPscreener shows an AI generated list of relevant prior art also helping Patroll searchers to faster read and understand of documents found by highlighting relevant passages. Access is free for the exploring the contest case, to view, comment and export identified texts. The link can be found here: View the Similar Documents (patents + scholarly publications) generated by Google Patents: Patents: NPL: ** PLEASE READ THE RULES FOR THIS CONTEST BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO PARTICIPATE. ** ** TO QUALIFY FOR CONSIDERATION, A CLAIM CHART IS REQUIRED. ** ** PLEASE USE THE PROVIDED CLAIM CHART AS A TEMPLATE ** ** PRIOR ART THAT HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY CITED DURING PROSECUTION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. **

Start Date: Mon Jan 24 2022 15:59:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

End Date: Sat Apr 30 2022 14:59:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Unified Patents Claim Chart Template.docx


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