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IoT Innovations: US-6920486-B2 (Synchronizing Data in Different Devices)



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Synchronizing Data in Different Devices

Ended a year ago

Patent Challenged:



Unified Patents is seeking prior art on at least Claim 1 of US-6920486-B2. The patent is owned by IoT Innovations, LLC, an NPE. The patent generally relates to a method and apparatus by which a user of two or more client devices each hosting a data store can have the data stores kept synchronized by a server (in some cases operated as a synchronizing service) in a way acceptable to the user even though at least one of the two data stores includes a data component (such as a field of a record) that is not in the other data store (or for which a correspondence from the one data store) to the other data store in respect to the data component has not yet been set, including possibly a null correspondence). For more information on the patent: APEX STANDARDS has shared prior US patent art, non-US patent art, and Non-Patent Literature art as well as corresponding claim charting against the patent. Interested professionals may take them and craft work product from there. The link can be found here: IPscreener shows an AI generated list of relevant prior art also helping Patroll searchers to faster read and understand of documents found by highlighting relevant passages. Access is free for the exploring the contest case, to view, comment and export identified texts. The link can be found here: View the Similar Documents (patents + scholarly publications) generated by Google Patents: Patents: NPL: ** PLEASE READ THE RULES FOR THIS CONTEST BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO PARTICIPATE. ** ** TO QUALIFY FOR CONSIDERATION, A CLAIM CHART IS REQUIRED. ** ** PLEASE USE THE PROVIDED CLAIM CHART AS A TEMPLATE ** ** PRIOR ART THAT HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY CITED DURING PROSECUTION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. **

Start Date: Mon May 15 2023 06:21:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

End Date: Sun Jul 16 2023 06:21:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Unified Patents Claim Chart Template (2).docx


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