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Longhorn Automotive: US-8810803-B2 (Lens System)



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Lens System

Ended 11 days ago

Patent Challenged:



Unified Patents is seeking prior art on at least claim 15 of US-8810803-B2, owned by Longhorn Automotive Group, LLC, an entity of Alpha Alpha Intellectual Partners LLC. The present invention generally relates to interactive display systems. More specifically, the present invention relates to a lens system as might be used by an illuminator in an interactive display system. It has been asserted against Nissan. For more information on the patent: View the Similar Documents (patents + scholarly publications) generated by Google Patents: Patents: NPL: ** PLEASE READ THE RULES FOR THIS CONTEST BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO PARTICIPATE. ** ** TO QUALIFY FOR CONSIDERATION, A CLAIM CHART IS REQUIRED. ** ** PLEASE USE THE PROVIDED CLAIM CHART AS A TEMPLATE ** ** PRIOR ART THAT HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY CITED DURING PROSECUTION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. **

Start Date: Fri Jun 07 2024 20:33:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

End Date: Fri Aug 30 2024 20:33:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Unified Claim Chart Template.docx

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